10X Sales in 4 Months

Last updated: January 20, 2025

Aaron Rudman-Hawkins

Aaron Rudman-Hawkins is a dynamic digital marketing expert and a driving force behind The Evergreen Agency's success. With a passion for technology and a deep understanding of the ever-evolving digital landscape, Aaron has become a trusted name in the industry.

Read Aaron's bio here

Originally sent out: 05/12/24

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This week, I want to share an incredible story of transformation with you.

Read on if you’ve ever doubted the effect of great digital marketing.

Back in July, I had Steak Stones join me on our Grow with Evergreen podcast (the episode aired in September, you can listen back to it on Spotify or watch on YouTube now).

A niche ecommerce brand, they sell hot steak stones and steak plates, internationally.

They applied to come on the pod as they were having a really tough time.

They’d recently re-platformed onto Shopify.

Their SEO had tanked over the summer.

They could not get their Google Ads to work and were losing money.

It culminated in a business that saw its revenues drop from £1m+ to just £600k.

During the podcast episode, we got into these issues and my spider senses were going nuts.

I knew some of what his current agencies were feeding Nick was complete and utter bullsh*t.

I even called it out live on the podcast saying “I just don’t believe the market is that limited. I can pretty much guarantee, without seeing any of your data, that there are going to be far more searches than you are getting.

After the podcast recording, I sent Nick an email to offer him a free review of his data as I knew something was up.

Low and behold, I found:

  • A website re-platforming that was a dogs-dinner. It was littered with mistakes resulting in huge organic traffic losses.
  • A Google Ads account that was being entirely mismanaged. From irrelevant keywords and incorrect bid strategies, to the wrong use of geo-targeting, ads pointing to 404 pages and conversion tracking that was incorrectly set up and so giving all the wrong signals to Google.

This was an online business in freefall. This business Nick had worked hard to build over 17 years had been nearly destroyed in a matter of months.

Nick asked us to help and became a client in August 2024.

Priority 1: Sort his websites out, get the websites re-indexed and restore some of that lost organic traffic.

In August, that is all we did – or should I say all I did, as I personally did it for Nick. We had countless emails back and forth to get things sorted, including some late nights and weekend exchanges.

Priority 2: Overhaul his Google Ads. It was a mess and needed a complete rebuild. We knew his business had huge potential if it was set up right.

In September, we put the basic foundations in place. We did a proper deep dive into his data and analysed his competitors then put together a really smart paid search strategy.

They’ve got a niche product.

They’ve been around for years.

They’ve got great reviews.

They had everything you’d want but just took some very bad (cheap) advice from several different suppliers and it almost cost Nick his business.

I’m writing this T.E.A Break newsletter to you at the start of December as we enter Nick’s busiest time of the year. It is the perfect gift afterall and I’m delighted to share that we’ve completely turned his business around.

In just 4 months we’ve been able to:

  •  Sort his SEO out and restore many of those lost rankings.
  •  Completely revitalise his Google Ads campaigns and scale his account.
  •  Restore his revenues and most importantly his profitability.

In July, Nick reported just £8,000 online revenue.

Skip forward a few months:

In November, Nick reported £85,000+ in online revenue.

That’s a 10X in sales in 4 months.

In December, we’ll surpass £100,000+ in online sales for sure and his business will be back to where it should be.

I’m delighted for Nick and it once again reiterates not just the incredible effect that Evergreen has on its clients but it’s a reminder of how the wrong advice can wreak havoc with any business.

I asked Nick if I could share his campaign-in-progress with you and he agreed. He even included some comments and said I was welcome to use them. Here is what he had to say:

“Evergreen have done a great job over our first 4 months of working together, getting us back on the front foot after a period of dwindling sales which was certainly not helped by a previous lethargic agency who wanted to blame everything but themselves for our poor ad performance. Aaron and his team are the opposite of this, setting everything up in a thorough fashion and getting stuck into the dials of our account to make it fire again.

Lovely words and another fantastic example of how powerful paid media is when you get the right partner agency.


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